After wearing the cap, gown, hood, Lotus passed a very nice tassel to me which was specially designed for 2008 graduates of The University of Iowa. We took several group photos and networking with classmates, then the ceremony promptly commenced at 11:00am. We entered the hall in alphabetical order and are seated in alphabetical order. Professor Jay Sa-Aadu , Associate Dean of the Henry Tippie College of Business gave a welcome speech. The keynote address was delivered by Ms Alice Law, Senior Director of The Securities and Futures Commission.
For the presentation of graduates, we would come to the front of the stage and line up in an alphabetical order. When my name is called, I walked to the stage from left to center and shaked hands with Alice Law and continued across the stage to receive my diploma from Associate Dean, Prof. Sa-Aadu. I have my posed graduation photo taken there, then recessed from the right of the stage and returned to my seat. After the conferral of degrees, Graduate's speech is given by our classmate, Ms Farica Lam. Followed the student presentations, the outstanding student award was given to the best students who earned a GPA 4.0. The prizes were given to Ms Farica Lam, Ms Iris Fung and Mr Jeffrey Lee. The ceremony lasted for one hour. UI hired one professional photographer and one cameraman and interviewed with each graduate to give the feedback about the MBA program. I was told that each graduate will be given a disc of all graduation photos and video later to retain a sweet memory.
Following the ceremony, a congratulatory lunch was arranged for the graduates and their families. The lunch included an entree, a main course, dessert and tea. I took additional photos with the guest and classmates. When I left the hotel, I was tired because of the tight schedules in the past weeks in preparing for final exam, projects, taking graduation photos at the studio and graduation ceremony, and so on.